Combo Square Lids

Combo lids™ are Kovar or Alloy 42 base material with multilayer gold and nickel plating per MIL-M-38510. The Preform is 80/20 Gold/Tin alloy with a standard thickness of .0021″. The lid thickness is .010”-.015”. For the best seal, the Lid OD should be .025″ less than the package seal ring OD and the Lid ID should be .045″ larger than the package seal ring ID, provided a minimum solder width of .025″ is maintained.

Advantages of Combo Square Lids:

  • Perfect Alignment of Lid and Preform
  • Provide Best Hermetic Seal Performance
  • Only One Part to Handle
  • Corrosion Resistance
  • Moisture Resistance
  • Marking Permanency

Unit: Inches